assalamu'alaikum hehhee
blog aku udah usang banget yeu, sepi pisan,
ma'lum udah branjak dewasa , udh make seragam putih-abu, jd makin sibuk *pletak*
hahaha, just kidding, i reaaly want to share my story, my 'new' life in Bandung,
but .. god dn't allowed us to meet, *still w/ ma bad english , ok..*
do you wanna know how's life when u'r a smantib's schooler? the answer is,
smpe2 kmu bakal ngedenger guru yg bertanya, "sudah merasa salah sekolah?" oh hell yeah, sir.
hahaha, yg jelas bnyak pngalaman dan perubahan baru yang sy alamin,
wanna knw my stories? *nggak...*
well, the point of this post is... just wanna tell u that i'm still here, i'm alive, hhe and Insay Allah , will post smethin' asap (about my lifestyle and etc)
okeoke, bubbye bloggers! 안녕!! ^^
Mobile Pda Review
Of course, you can take away from its quality in your PDA has this
capability. Another way to lessen the mobile pda review a PDA's keyboard
before you go...
9 tahun yang lalu