
A little piece of my life

About this blog

Welcome to my ordinary blog!
hope you'll enjoy with this blog.
don't forget to follow me ya!
(only if you want)

^^ special erika


hei.....anda tau mengapa? semalem sy udah ngetik post ini lewat ipd nan ribet dan udah panjang2.... eeeeeeh ke apus coba -__________- #whocares oke lanjuut

hehe, i would like to say thanks to my beloved friend, ericcaceae #speechmodeON (mentang mentang td abis test speech =.=)
nah, biar kalian gk bingung baca ini post, mending liat urutannya ya... dr pada nti protes 'lah ini ngomong opo toh? ore nyambung , kya ngomong sm sseorang'
yaiyalah. ini lebih tepat di sebut balesan post dr tiga post-an sbelumnya. hhe sok atuh di klik-->
dear tweety
special putri

nah klo udah baca yg di atas, baru baca iniii~~ hhe

about tweety~
Ho, u'r welcome err ^^
hha, insya Allah sy gk sebel ato benci sm tweety kok..
yea, that's the way he took.. *bner kn? (jalan yg di ambil)
we can't force someone or somethin' to be what we want..
well, the point is.. We can't forcing Allah's will!
am I right?

about friendship~
yea, u'r rite :)
aaaah how can I say those thing??? uwooo >< at that time, I was out of control, maybe~ *cess yah mungkin waktu itu emosiku sudah memuncak er T^T hhi itumah synya aja berarti yg lebe -_- of course u'r useful~ aah I'm sorry for saying those thing that mad u feel like that :(

Please, remind me ya err..
ingetin Pu3 klo pu3 mulai mikir maceem maceem kya gtu ><

about tweety and he~
yea, just try to believe that someday tweety will play and show it to you ^^
and.. hhhi 
well, I'm still waiting for  'gotta find u' .

okay, I'll try my best :)
wkkkwkaka XD
udah segini dulu ya?
siap2 mo mandi nyiapin plajaran dll ><

berangkat sekolah deh..
C U in the next post ;)


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Terima Kasih atas perhatian kalian yang mau ngerelain waktu kalian yang berharga untuk membaca cerita tentang kehidupan saya yang biasa-biasa ajah..^^Thank you..Xie Xie..Danke..Natur Nuhun..Syukron Katsiron..Domo Arigatou Gozaimasu..Wassalam